Medical Pharmacies Adopts iTacit for Critical Communication & Training

Oct 8, 2020

Medical Pharmacies Group Ltd., a Canadian force in pharmaceutical services, has been using iTacit’s employee platform and Learning Management System to improve enterprise-wide communication and facilitate training.

Medical Pharmacies is the leader in medication management, specialty pharmacy services and providing medical supplies and equipment to the Canadian healthcare industry.

Working in a field that provides such critical services, their staff of over 1500 members has to be up-to-date on the latest drug recalls, training for new protocols or services, compliance and industry innovations.

Having recently adopted iTacit to facilitate these operation-critical functions, each individual employee’s interface and communication feed is curated to be relevant to their role with real-time notifications and a built-in feedback loop.

The iTacit team is excited to be working with the Medical Pharmacies team, and look forward to helping them continue to be one of Canada’s leaders. For the 20th year, Medical Pharmacies Group Limited (MPGL) was recognized with the Canada’s Best Managed Companies designation.

Medical Pharmacies Group is Canada’s leader in providing pharmacy services to residential care settings including retirement, long-term care. The team provides specialty pharmacy services and is a leading supplier of retail and wholesale medical products and pharmaceutical supplies.

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