Using Your Digital Platform To Give Every Employee A Voice

Nov 12, 2020

Employees who engage in discussions and contribute to their company’s creative process are more satisfied at work. Are we giving all employees an equal opportunity to be a part of this collaborative communication and highlight the employee voice?

Having a voice as an employee is a critical aspect of a worker’s job satisfaction and career development. Ensuring that every employee has the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions is paramount to creating an inclusive and productive workplace.

With remote work becoming the norm, giving all employees a platform to be heard comes with certain challenges – but opens new doors for richer, more equitable and inclusive communication.


Every Employee Voice Should Be Heard

Employee voice – the ability for workers to share opinions and ideas within their business – is directly linked to a company’s success. Research suggests that an employer’s ability to give employees a voice is a driver for a productive and engaged workplace.

Workers feel nearly 5 times more empowered to perform their best work when they feel their voice is being heard. Better performance and higher job satisfaction leads to better employee retention. Therefore, employers looking to attract and retain top talent must engage actively in providing their employees a communication platform.

Today, companies strive to shed antiquated business practices and are instead promoting inclusive management teams, a diverse and transversal workforce, and equal opportunities for all workers. Inclusion in the workplace, especially for those colleagues in traditionally underrepresented groups, is a fundamental mandate for most of today’s business leaders.

There are many challenges in ensuring that each employee’s voice is heard. Dedication to employee engagement and a collaborative communication is essential for success. Using digital communication tools can help streamline a comprehensive and accessible platform to give all employees an opportunity to be heard.


A Heard Voice Is More Engaged

We can’t say enough about the importance of employee engagement – both from an operational point of view, and because of the immediate and direct benefits to employee satisfaction. Using digital platforms to engage in immersive dialogue across an entire company is a quintessential component for the modern workplace.

Staff are happier, more engaged, and more likely to stay onboard when they’re being heard. Also, direct communication with higher management is a great way to build trust, establish shorter communication lines, and boost a sense of belonging to the team and company.

Although allowing all employee’s voices to be heard is undoubtedly positive, there are some challenges in ensuring that each voice is heard equally, without bias or prejudice.

What can an employer do to make sure that every employee has an equal voice?


Equalizing Employee Voice, Digitally

Diverse workplaces boost innovation, creativity, and profits. Cultivating a workplace culture of inclusiveness will give your business a greater chance at growth and success.

Generally, several specific employee groups such as minorities, women, and young workers, are faced with hurdles to make their voices heard in the workplace. Ensuring that these employees can also grow within an organization is paramount to ensuring an inclusive workplace.

In order to do this, it’s essential to make sure that each employee has an equal opportunity to share their opinions and ideas.

As companies around the world embrace a hybrid model, a mix of working remotely and in-office, effective communication through virtual means is a necessity. Could this rapid shift toward digitization drive workplace inclusivity?

With the right digital platform in place, employers can embrace the opportunity to create an equitable workforce.


Embracing Technology to Promote Equal Discussions

Whether due to workload, stress, or other factors, all managers are sometimes guilty of not listening to the concerns of their staff members. Adopting a digital communication platform can quickly and easily rectify the situation and improve employee relations.

An easily accessible, digital feedback loop between leaders and employees has some great benefits:

  • Employees feel listened to and understood, and, as a consequence, more involved
  • Engagement and productivity will increase significantly
  • Managers gain valuable insight into staff’s satisfaction and opinions

There are several ways to create an integrated communication platform where you can capture employee voice and ensure everyone gets heard:

Establishing A Dynamic and Inclusive Communication Platform For All Employees

Harbouring an inclusive workplace is essential to ensure a productive, creative, and satisfied workplace. Business and operations will benefit as well. But maintaining an integrated and fair environment means guaranteeing that every employee – no matter their position, experience, or job function – is given a platform to share their ideas and opinions.

Digital communication platforms offer easy-to-use and highly immersive solutions to give all employees a voice. Developing and promoting a sustainable feedback loop between leaders and the entire staff will make for a productive and inclusive workplace.

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