My Perspective: Employee Platform LMS vs your ERP’s LMS

Sep 29, 2022

A question we get asked – a lot – is about the LMS included in an ERP. Are they okay? What’s the problem if we use it? How’s iTacit better? 

ERPs are massive technologies. We all know they handle so much. I’m not here knocking ERPs –  because they’re absolutely necessary and they do so much good for a lot of organizations. At the same time, what we’re seeing is sometimes those ERPs are more focused on the processes and not as much on the employee. 

Where iTacit is different, is that our technology focuses first on the employee. 

What is the difference between iTacit and your ERP’s LMS?

Many companies think their LMS needs are met with their ERP – but what we hear from LMS administrators and comms teams is that they’re clunky and outdated. 

Many organizations have a robust ERP, and often their system includes built-in LMS functionality. Time and again, when we get down to it with the IT departments in these large organizations, we realize that the LMS module in their ERP is an absolute nightmare – not intuitive, not customizable, not employee-friendly. 

More often than not, it was included for “free” as part of the pitch!

The biggest problem with this is that ERPs are meant for the organization and their leaders, they were never designed to be the best tool for the end user. Employee platforms work in parallel with ERP systems to engage employees and allow them to connect directly with what’s important in their daily lives at work. 

Employee experience and training should never be an afterthought. It should be an integral part of a company’s L&D and people strategies. 

At iTacit, what differentiates us is that we’re looking at communication, engagement and education through the employee lens. 

We make sure that everything the employee needs is easy to find, easy to get done, and encouraging for them to complete… all from a mobile phone, tablet or a computer. 

We’re really putting the focus on the employee and giving them the tools to do their job. Just ask any leader: “What’s your number one asset?” 

It’s always going to be the employee. So shouldn’t you put their needs first? 

LMS Implementation Checklist
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