Keep Your Workplace’s Intranet Engaging With Social Content

Sep 9, 2020

So, you’ve got everything in place. A branded employee hub, an intranet library packed with resources and some great lines of communication open and running.

But how do you take it to that next step for your social intranet?

Step 1: Get the ‘pulse’ to see what your staff wants in their Employee Experience

Setting up your workplace’s intranet or digital hub as an open environment is a key part to having it be as successful as possible.

Think along the lines of encouraging everyone to share thoughts, observations and offer suggestions. Luckily, most solutions are easy to configure and use for both the admin team and end users, so tacking on polls, forms and surveys is a streamlined process!

A screenshot of a poll on iTacit

(Polls in iTacit are clear and configurable)

Use these tools to stay on top of what staff are looking for in their employee hub. Leveraging a wide-open feedback loop can lead to some surprising results!

*While you’re at it, take a dive into this piece from CMSWire to get some more insight into why it’s important for employees to hear from their leaders.

Stories aren’t just for social media and blogs!

Never underestimate the impact a great, personal story can have – especially when it’s relevant to the reader.

Maybe a group of employees staying in shape together have been going on some socially-distanced runs? Well, share an update on their progress!

A screenshot of a post on iTacit

(iTacit’s Notice Board can be tailored with posts highlighting your staff’s achievements and stories)

And updates from the head office or exec. suite don’t need to be relegated to the company newsletter. Plug those into your new, extra-social intranet hub to show everyone how their hard work is contributing to the overall vision.

Storytelling has always been effective – it’s just that now, we can do more with it.

And, as always, highlight personal development opportunities 

A screenshot of a post on iTacit showing a new training module

(Training from the Library can be featured in Notice Board posts with iTacit)

Professionals, young and old, should see their careers as a series of learning experiences. Each position leads to the next step of lessons and after-graduation education!

Like we’ve spoken about before, we all engage more attentively with content that has a great takeaway for our development. This is the natural way to think, of course.

Summarize your learning modules and courses on your branded notice board to both draw more attention to crucial training and give everyone something very tailored to what they’re looking for. Maybe do this at regular intervals, possibly in the form of a weekly learning roundup? The possibilities are all there for the exploring!

Go ahead – get social!

Hopefully, you’re already seeing some new ways to present content on your channels. All of that specific information, unique to your workplace’s ‘employee clusters’ can be presented in very engaging ways without losing any of the message’s impact or importance!

As always, drop by our other accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to find some more tips, original pieces and more.

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