Employee Training Plan Template That Works

Jan 24, 2024

For any business that strives for success, ensuring optimal skill and knowledge development for their employees is critical. Whether the organization has a proper employee training program can literally make or break its chance to succeed. 

This is why the significance of having a working employee training plan cannot be overstated. A well-crafted plan ensures the organization has a clear roadmap for the training program, providing employees with the opportunity to achieve optimal development of skills and knowledge so they can perform their jobs more effectively and contribute to the company’s goals.

Yet, developing an effective employee training plan—or any training plans in general—can be tricky, and this is where a training template can be handy. 

In this article, we will share a working and editable employee training template you can use to create a structured and effective training program for your employees. We’ll also guide you through different practical aspects of developing a training plan, from setting training objectives to establishing post-training evaluations.

Yet, let us begin this guide with the basics: what is an employee training plan?

Understanding The Concept of Employee Training Plans

An employee training plan is a comprehensive, structured, and formal document that provides a strategic roadmap for an employee training program, outlining the strategies, goals/objectives of the training,  and the activities/processes required to nurture the employee’s skills and knowledge. 

The Importance of Well-Crafted Employee Training Plans

An employee training plan should not just be an administrative formality but can offer significant benefits for enhancing the effectiveness of training programs. In turn, an effective training program can improve employee engagement and overall productivity.

Here are just a few of these benefits:

  1. Optimal skill and knowledge development

With a clear roadmap, the employee training plan increases the likelihood of training success, which will help employees acquire the skills and knowledge needed to perform their roles and responsibilities. 

  1. Improved employee performance and productivity

When employees are properly equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively perform their jobs, they are more likely to be productive and contribute to the company’s objectives.

  1. Reduced mistakes and accidents

Well-trained and well-equipped employees are less likely to make errors and cause accidents. In the long run, this won’t only improve the company’s products and services quality but also help prevent injuries and workplace accidents.

  1. Increased employee engagement and satisfaction

Providing a well-structured training program shows the company’s commitment to employee development, so employees will feel valued and appreciated. In turn, employees who feel supported are more likely to be motivated and engaged in performing their work. In short, well-trained employees tend to have higher morale and job satisfaction. 

  1. Improved customer satisfaction

Well-trained people who directly interact with customers can provide better customer service, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  1. Fostering innovation and creativity

A good training program encourages employees to develop problem-solving skills and creative thinking, so they can have more ideas and solutions to problems. In turn, well-trained employees are better equipped to promote innovation and creativity within the organization. 

  1. Cost savings

While training requires upfront investment, in the long run, it can lead to significant cost savings. Well-trained employees will be more efficient and productive in performing their work and will make fewer mistakes. All of these can reduce costs associated with rework in day-to-day operations. 

  1. Consistency

A well-structured and standardized training plan ensures all employees who receive the training will get the same knowledge and skills—regardless of their entry point or background. This can help the company create a uniform workforce with consistent performance across teams. 

Graphic with button and text 'Onboarding a new employee? Get the new employee training checklist'

Key Elements of Effective Employee Training Plans

Now that we’ve understood the benefits of having an effective employee training plan, what makes a training plan effective?

An effective employee training plan should be a combination of structure, strategy, and execution. It should include the following key elements: 

  1. Needs assessment

An effective training is one that answers specific needs: the necessity of new skills or knowledge, existing skill gaps, etc. It’s critical to have an appropriate needs assessment to identify the employees’ training needs before developing a training plan. This can be done through performance reviews, interviews, or employee surveys, among other methods. 

  1. Clear objectives

The plan should clearly specify what the training aims to achieve, both for the employee(s) as the target audience and the organization as a whole. Training objectives should be measurable and should clearly state what the target audience should be able to do after completing the training program.

  1. Relevant and high-quality content

The training content should be relevant and tailored to the defined training objectives so it can answer the target audience’s needs. Training content should be engaging, up-to-date, and informative.

  1. Effective training delivery methods

Different types of content and different target audiences may benefit from different training delivery methods, so it’s important to choose the most appropriate one. There is a wide variety of delivery methods available, including traditional lectures, online courses, on-the-job training, workshops, simulations, and more. Assess the preferences and needs of your employees and the content’s format/type when choosing your training delivery method. 

  1. Evaluation methods

It’s important for the company to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the training program: does it meet the intended objective? How are the employees enjoying the training? Are there areas that can be improved? Establish a clear evaluation procedure, and you can leverage various methods, such as performance assessments, quizzes, surveys, or others. 

  1. Structured schedule

An effective training program should have a well-defined schedule or timeline with specific start and end dates/times. This ensures the training program stays on track and is measurable. 

  1. Resource allocation

To be effective, it’s critical for the training plan to consider the necessary resources to ensure all of them are in place: training materials, necessary equipment, software, etc.

  1. Qualified trainers

The training program should be delivered by skilled, experienced, and competent trainers/instructors to ensure optimal delivery of the training content.

The training plan template we’ll share below will include these elements, so you can craft a training plan that doesn’t just work but excels in helping your employees perform better on their jobs. 

Editable Employee Training Plan Template

Section 1: Basic Information

Company Name: 

Employee Name: 

Employee ID (if applicable): 

Job Title: 


Employee Start Date:

Training Reviewer Name: 

Training Reviewer Title: 

Section 2: Training Plan Details

Training plan version number: 

Last date of revision:

Training budget;

Section 3: Training Needs Assessment

(A proper training plan should be based on a thorough assessment of the individual employee’s specific training needs. In this section, we’ll focus on identifying gaps and areas that require improvement through training.)

  • Target audience: (clearly identify who this training is for, whether it’s for new employees, specific employees in the company, all employees, or others.)
  • Job responsibilities: (list the tasks and key responsibilities associated with the target audience’s role.)
  • Skills and competencies gap analysis: (Identify and then list the skills, knowledge, and competencies that the target employee needs to improve or acquire.)
  • Training needs identification: (based on the skills and competencies gap analysis, specify the training needs objectives. How will this training help the specific employee perform their jobs better and contribute to the organization’s objectives?) 

Section 4: Training Objectives

In this section, clearly identify the goals and objectives of the training. Here are some key considerations:

  • Write clear training objectives. State your objectives in terms of measurable results and/or observable behaviors.
  • Make sure your objectives are aligned with the training needs assessment (the previous section) and the desired outcomes of your training program. 
  • Make sure you are training employees on the knowledge and skills they need to contribute to the company’s objectives and tackle their tasks better.

Section 5: Training Program Design

  1. Training content

This section outlines the training content and how it will be delivered.

  • Identify the topics and subjects that need to be covered in the training program. This mainly includes the skills and knowledge the employees need to learn. 
  • If there are multiple topics, organize them into a logical sequence. Identify the sequence of how employees will learn best. Consider starting with easier or foundational topics before following it up with more complex topics. 
  1. Training methods

Develop training materials and methods to be used. You can use a variety of training methods such as lectures, workshops, discussions, on-the-job training, demonstrations, etc. Use training methods that are engaging and effective for delivering the specific content. Will the training be delivered fully offline, online, or through a combination of both?

  1. Training schedule

Provide a timeline for the training program. Clearly specify start and end dates.

  1. Training resources

Define and list the resources required for delivering the training (equipment, software, training materials, etc.) Consider the available training budget when making your decisions. 

  1. Trainers and instructors

Identify who will deliver the training. Consider the trainer/instructor’s expertise, training style, and experience.

Section 6: Training Delivery

This section will cover the practical executions of delivering the training

  1. Training materials

Provide access to all training modules and resources.

  1. Training environment

Make sure the training environment (physical or virtual) is optimal and conducive to learning

  1. Evaluation and assessment

Specify and communicate how the employee’s progress will be monitored and evaluated. We will elaborate more about this in the next section.

Section 7: Training Evaluation

Devise a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of your training program.

  1. Evaluation methods

You can use a variety of evaluation methods, such as post-training surveys, quizzes, general performance assessments, etc. 

  1. Collecting feedback

Collect and analyze feedback from learners and trainers, so you can use the valuable data to evaluate the current program and improve future programs.

  1. Certificate or acknowledgment

Consider awarding a certificate or a simple acknowledgment for successful training completion.

Section 8: Post-Training Support

Plan carefully so that all employees can receive acknowledgment and support after completing the training. 

  • Encourage on-the-job application of the newly acquired skills and knowledge in their role
  • Assign senior employees or managers to provide ongoing mentorship and support if necessary
  • Schedule follow-up training sessions

Section 9: Training Plan Approval

(Optional section for documentation and legal needs)

  • Employee sign-off

Employee’s acceptance and acknowledgment of the training plan

  • Supervisor sign-off

Supervisor’s approval and acknowledgment of the training plan

Graphic with button and text 'Onboarding a new employee? Get the new employee training checklist'

Using The Training Plan Template: Step-by-Step Guide

To effectively use the training plan template we’ve shared above, it’s important to take a strategic approach while considering all the important details. 

You can follow these steps in slowly editing the training plan template to craft one that truly works for your company: 

Step 1: Conduct a needs assessment

Conduct a thorough assessment to identify the current skill gaps and training needs of your employees. You can use various approaches here, including: 

  1. Employee self-assessment: conduct surveys and interviews so employees can self-evaluate themselves. They may be able to identify skills and areas where they feel training can help them.
  2. Manager assessment: team leaders, supervisors, and managers may be able provide insights into their team member’s skill gaps and training needs.
  3. Performance reviews: review employee’s past performance evaluations to identify areas where this specific employee may have struggled or made mistakes.
  4. Job descriptions: revisit the employee’s job description and examine the required competencies, skills, and knowledge. This can help in establishing a baseline for the employee’s skills requirement. 
  5. Industry benchmarks: compare the employee’s current skills and knowledge levels with the available benchmarks, your competitors, and the industry standards to identify gaps and areas that can be improved. 

Some additional tips you can use when identifying needs and skill gaps: 

  • Personalization is key. Each employee may have unique needs, preferences, and gaps in their skill/knowledge set. A thorough needs assessment can help ensure you can tailor the training plan to address these different individual needs and requirements.
  • Regularly collect input and feedback from employees (training participants,) managers, and relevant stakeholders to identify specific areas of focus. 360-degree feedback can help ensure accuracy when developing a tailored training plan.
  • Try to develop future-proof training plans. Don’t solely focus on current needs, but anticipate future needs. What skills and knowledge will your employees need in the future to stay in the game and adapt to the evolving industry trends and technologies?

Step 2: Setting Clear Training Objectives

Based on the needs assessment, you can define clear and measurable objectives for your training program.

Your training objectives should clearly state what the target audience should be able to do (or know) when they’ve completed the training. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Goal-oriented and alignment: the training objectives should be measurable and should be directly aligned with your organization’s overall goals and the role/responsibilities of the employee. Make sure the objectives also align with the individual’s career progression within the company.
  2. Specific outcomes: be specific about the desired outcomes of the training, whether it’s being able to operate new equipment/software, improving customer service skills, or ensuring compliance with regulations, among others.
  3. Timeframe: set a timeline for achieving these desired outcomes. This keeps the training on track and helps create a sense of urgency.

Step 3: Developing Effective Training Content

Creating high-quality and relevant content is crucial for engaging training participants, ensuring they can retain the acquired skills and knowledge.

Here are some tips to help you develop effective training materials:

  • Use what you’ve learned in the previous steps to help tailor your content to meet the target audience’s needs, preferences, specific requirements, and prior skills/knowledge.
  • Make sure the content is practical, relevant to their jobs, and immediately applicable to their day-to-day tasks. 
  • Present your content in a structured and logical manner. Use clear headings/subheadings, short paragraphs, and numbered lists/bullet points so it’s easy to consume your content.
  • Incorporate visuals like images, diagrams/charts, infographics, and videos to simplify complex topics or concepts and to improve engagement.
  • Use interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, and practical exercises to keep things engaging.
  • Include real-world examples, case studies, and scenarios relevant to the employee’s roles. This can help make the training content more memorable and meaningful for the learner. 

Step 4: Choosing Suitable Training Methods

Now that you’ve developed your content, the next step is to choose an optimal delivery method for your content.

There are a variety of training methods available, each with its pros and cons. Here are some actionable tips you can use:

  • Remember that you don’t need to stick with one method, and you can diversify. Different learners learn in different ways, so by diversifying your delivery with different methods, you may improve efficiency. 
  • Regardless of the method you use, always try to incorporate interactive elements like hands-on exercises or workshops to maintain engagement.
  • Consider providing on-demand materials and resources so your employees can access the training content when they need to refresh. This can make the learning experience more flexible and convenient.
  • As much as possible, try to make sure that the chosen training method can be scaled to accommodate a growing number of learners as your company continues to grow.

Step 5: Creating a Structured Training Schedule

Once you’ve chosen the proper training delivery method or methods, you’ll need to establish a structured training schedule. 

Consider the following:

  • Well-defined timeline: Establish clear start and end dates for each training module so you can keep the training program organized and structured.
  • Pacing: Make sure to give enough time for employees to consume the training material in each module. Avoid overloading learners with too much content at once. Accommodate enough time for practice and reflection.
  • Flexibility: While you’d want a clear structure, don’t keep it too rigid. Allow an adequate amount of flexibility. For example, employees should be able to adapt the training schedule due to unforeseen events or changes in availability. 

Step 6: Allocate Required Resources

If not managed well, employee training can be very resource-intensive (and expensive.) It’s important to properly allocate necessary resources not only to ensure cost-effectiveness but also to ensure a smooth training process from start to finish. 

  • Training materials: It’s very important to make sure that all participants have access to the necessary training materials and resources. This may include software, equipment, textbooks, and other online/offline resources. 
  • Physical space: If you are going to conduct in-person training, then make sure to allocate a training space that is suitable for learning. The space should be properly equipped with the necessary tools/equipment, adequate in size, and free from distractions.
  • Technological resources: Make sure the training participants (your employees) have access to the software and hardware needed to ensure smooth participation.

Step 7: Designating Qualified Trainers/Instructors

If you are not providing trainers from within the company (i.e., managers, senior employees), then you need to designate component instructors who have the necessary experience and knowledge to deliver the training effectively.

Here are some tips:

  • Experience and expertise alone won’t help if the instructor can’t teach well. Choose a trainer who is not only a subject matter expert but also has the skills needed to convey information and engage learners effectively. 
  • Invest in the development of your internal trainers. Provide them with the resources and tools they can use to teach better. 
  • Establish effective feedback mechanisms between participants and trainers. This can help trainers adjust their content and/or delivery methods based on feedback to improve the overall training effectiveness. 


By now, you should’ve finished a working and effective training plan, but your job is not yet done. 

It’s critical to regularly review and adjust the employee training plan to ensure it stays current and effective in meeting the needs of the company and the specific employees. 

A well-crafted employee training plan can help you improve your employee’s performance and productivity, reduce errors and mistakes, boost engagement and loyalty, as well as other benefits. 

If you are looking to start developing a training plan and executing an effective training program, iTacit can be your partner. iTacit offers a comprehensive suite of employee engagement and training solutions, including an all-in-one Learning Management System (LMS).

Don’t hesitate to contact iTacit today and learn more about how iTacit can help you enhance your next employee training programs.

Graphic with button and text 'Onboarding a new employee? Get the new employee training checklist'
Teri Maltais
Teri Maltais

Specializing in digital marketing programs for industrial and commercial technology solutions.

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