
An Ultimate Guide on How to Develop a Compliance Training Program + Template

Updated: Mar 28, 2024 | Published Mar 28, 2024

In today’s dynamic and often heavily regulated business landscape, a simple misstep in compliance can be fatal for any business striving to achieve success. Non-compliance can threaten the business with hefty legal fines, expensive lawsuits, and not to mention, a risk of tarnished reputation. 

With that being said, compliance training is now becoming increasingly important as a foundation for success, an important strategic initiative ensuring that businesses comply with regulations, laws, and standards.

Yet, creating an effective and engaging compliance training program is often easier said than done. Without careful planning, employees may treat the compliance training as mere procedural formality, hindering engagement and reducing its effectiveness.

This is where this article comes in. 

In this guide to developing a compliance training program, we will cover the following:

  • Definition of compliance training
  • The cost and risks of non-compliance and the importance of compliance training
  • Planning and building an effective compliance training program
  • Implementing and evaluating the program

And more. We will also share a downloadable template for developing a compliance training program that you can customize according to your organization’s objectives and employees’ preferences.

Without further ado, let’s embark on this journey to develop an engaging compliance training program right away. 

What is Compliance Training?

Within an organizational context, compliance training is a structured, systematic training framework designed to train employees to understand regulations, laws, rules, and standards that they need to follow while doing their day-to-day jobs.

Simply put, compliance training prepares employees to be ethical in their work and stay compliant with the relevant regulations and laws. It is not a mere instructional session but an instrumental guidebook dictating the dos and don’ts within the organization.

Why is Compliance Training Important?

In today’s dynamic business landscape, regulations are changing, and new standards are being introduced every single day, demanding your utmost attention.

Failing to keep up with all these changes may result in non-compliance, and your organization may face the harsh consequences of lawsuits, legal fines, and tarnished reputation. 

Compliance training equips your workforce with the knowledge and skills they need: their obligations, potential compliance pitfalls, and the strategies to navigate every twist and turn of the compliance landscape—protecting your organization against legal and reputational risks.

The importance of having an effective compliance training program extends beyond simply ticking compliance checkboxes. Yet, it provides your organization with a proactive mechanism, fostering a culture of responsibility in the company so employees can always uphold ethical standards in their work. 

Key Elements of an Effective Compliance Training

A compliance training program is an important investment in your organizational future, and here are the key ingredients for an effective program:

  1. Targeted Content

A compliance training program shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all endeavor but rather should be tailored and targeted 

The training content should align the unique nuances of an organization: its objectives, specific regulations that apply, employee roles, unique risks, and other compliance needs.

  1. Engaging Delivery

Although the content of compliance training is serious and formal, doesn’t mean the training program should be boring. Leverage interactive modules, real-world scenarios, cutting-edge technologies (VR, AR, etc.,) and storytelling techniques to engage and immerse your employees. 

Turn dry and boring regulations into a relatable experience to improve knowledge retention. 

  1. Continuous Improvement

The training content should be regularly updated and improved to align with the changes/updates in regulations, laws, and standards, as well as the shifts in employees’ needs and preferences.

Establishing effective feedback loops and assessments is critical to ensure the training program remains effective and relevant. The training program shouldn’t be a set-it-and-forget-it initiative but must constantly evolve to meet the ever-evolving compliance demands. 

Building Your Effective Compliance Training Program

In this section, we will explore how to build a comprehensive and effective compliance training program in a step-by-step guide.

As discussed, an effective compliance training program is one that is tailored and targeted according to the organization’s needs. This is where the first step: needs assessment, comes in.

Step 1: Needs Assessment

The first and crucial step in building an effective compliance training program is to identify your needs, which comprise several different aspects:

  • Regulatory requisites: Different laws, regulations, and standards that are relevant to the organization’s day-to-day operations and the intertwining relationships between them. 
  • Employee performance evaluations: You employees’ current skills and knowledge and whether they are ready to navigate the regulatory landscape. 
  • Risk assessments: Potential compliance risks in the organization’s operations. 

Three Types of Regulatory Requirements

Regulations come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own unique demands. There are three main regulation types to consider:

  1. Government regulations: Laws and regulations set by national, state, and local authorities. They are often the backbone of compliance, dictating legal parameters within which the organization can operate. These can range from labor laws to data privacy to anti-corruption laws.
  2. Industry-specific regulations: Each industry has its own set of rules, like HIPAA for healthcare or various financial guidelines for the banking industry. These specialized laws ensure ethical practices within the industry’s specific ecosystems. 
  3. Ethical standards: Beyond legal demands, your organization may need to adhere to a code of ethics, the moral compass that guides the organizational behavior.

Identifying Compliance Requirement

Understanding compliance requirements is critical when aiming to build an effective compliance training program. It’s important to first identify the relevant regulations and standards that should be addressed in the compliance training program.

Here are the basic steps to how:

  1. Define your industry and scope:
    • Industry research: Identify your industry and the specific regulations and standards that govern this industry. 
    • Geographic location: Consider national, state, local, and international regulations that apply to your organization based on its locations and operations. 
    • Activities: Are there any regulations tied to your core business activities? For example, if you have employees, you are tied to labor laws.
  2. Consult reliable resources:
    • Government Websites: Access official guidance and resources from relevant government agencies (e.g., FDA, EPA, SEC).
    • Industry Associations: Obtain industry-specific compliance information and best practices from trade groups and professional associations.
    • Legal Counsel: Seek advice from attorneys specializing in your industry’s regulatory landscape.
    • Compliance Professionals: Consult with internal or external compliance experts for guidance.
  3. Conduct a comprehensive regulatory audit:
    • Policies and Procedures: Examine existing internal policies and procedures to identify potential gaps or areas for improvement.
    • Contracts and Agreements: Review contractual obligations with clients, vendors, or partners that may impose compliance requirements.
    • Past Audits and Reports: Analyze findings from previous audits or compliance assessments to identify recurring issues or areas of risk.

Identifying Gaps

Once you’ve identified the compliance requirements for your organization, you can identify the gaps in which your training program can fill:

  • Compliance gaps: Assess the regulatory requirements you’ve identified and pinpoint areas where your workforce’s knowledge or understanding might not be adequate. Are there complex policies needing interpretation? Are there new regulations you need to introduce to your team?
  • Risk gaps: Analyze past compliance issues, internal audits, employee performance reviews, and other assessments to identify vulnerabilities and risks within your company. 
  • Engagement gaps: If you already have an existing compliance training program, assess whether the engagement level of participants is adequate or whether you’ll need to address it in improved training content.


  1. Risk Assessments: Evaluate the likelihood of non-compliance for each identified regulation/law, and evaluate the severity of potential impact. 
  2. Prioritization: Prioritize the most critical regulations and those with the highest non-compliance risk.
  3. Documentation: Create a comprehensive compliance requirements matrix document. This written document should outline the applicable regulations/standards, their sources, and relevant information.
  1. Regular Reviews: Periodically review and update your compliance requirements register to reflect changes in regulations or business operations.
  2. Subscriptions: Subscribe to regulatory updates from relevant agencies or industry associations to stay informed of new developments.

Considering Learning Styles and Preferences

Your employees aren’t made equal, and each of them may have different learning styles and preferences. 

There are four main learning styles to consider:

  1. The readers: These individuals best absorb information through structured written materials (books, research reports, articles, etc.) You can cater to them with well-organized and concise text modules, case studies with detailed analysis, and detailed text explanations in your e-learning modules. 
  2. Visual learners: These learners best consume knowledge through imagery like images, infographics, diagrams, mind maps, and videos. To engage them, you should deliver visually compelling training content, for example, with interactive modules and visually-rich case studies.
  3. Auditory learners: These learners thrive on hearing information and engaging in discussions. You can engage them with audio recordings (from experts,)  group discussions, interactive workshops, and role-playing exercises. 
  4. Kinesthetic learners: These individuals best learn through movement and doing. You can engage them via games, simulations, hands-on exercises, and team-building activities with role-playing. 

The key to effective training is about bridging the gap between your employees’ different learning preferences and your training objectives, and here are how:

  • Diversity is key: It’s impossible to please everyone, so what you can do is incorporate elements from all learning styles within your training program. This ensures all participants can find something engaging in your content. 
  • Conduct pre-training assessments: Conduct surveys so you can understand your audience’s dominant learning styles and tailor your content accordingly.
  • Personalize and give choices: Personalize your training content and allow some degree of choice in materials or learning activities. This can help cater to individual preferences.
  • Interactive platforms: Utilize LMS (Learning Management Systems) like iTacit which offer interactive modules and diverse multimedia resources to ensure flexibility.
  • Collect post-training feedback: Gather feedback from participants to understand what worked best for different learners. This can provide you with valuable insights you can use to refine your training program in the future. 
Summary: Needs Assessment

Understanding your organization’s compliance requirements and your employees’ training needs will allow you to lay the strongest possible foundation for your compliance training program. To assess your training needs effectively, try to answer these key questions:

  • What compliance regulations are most relevant to your role?
  • Have you encountered any challenges understanding or applying these regulations?
  • What are your preferred learning styles (text, visual, auditory, kinesthetic)?
  • Do you have any accessibility needs that should be considered in the training format?
  • What topics would you like the training to cover in greater detail?

By using this framework, you can properly identify your team’s needs, prioritize effectively, and build a properly targeted compliance training structure. 

Step 2: Setting Learning Objectives

Based on the needs assessment above, the next step is to set clear and measurable objectives for your training program.

We’d recommend using the SMART framework approach when defining your training objectives:

  • S-Specific: Define exactly what you want the training participants to achieve by the end of each training module. Instead of being broad, like “understand HIPAA regulations,” you can be more specific, like, “By the end of this module, learners will be able to accurately identify and apply HIPAA-compliant actions to real-world scenarios.
  • M-Measurable: Your goals should be quantifiable. For example, “Participants should be able to correctly answer 80% of questions on the quiz.”
  • A-Achievable: Your goal should be challenging enough but, at the same time, realistic and attainable. Consider your participants’ existing knowledge, time constraints, and learning styles. For example, “becoming a data privacy expert in one day” may demoralize your employees, but “learning three relevant regulations inside out after one training module” is realistic and motivating. 
  • R-Relevant: Your training program’s goals should connect to your organization’s bigger picture of compliance and the organization’s overall objectives. 
  • T- Time-Bound: Give your goals a clear deadline— a clear timeframe within which participants should achieve their learning objectives. Doing so adds a sense of urgency and motivates participants to stay focused.

Here are some additional tips for establishing clear and effective SMART objectives:

  1. Break down into modules: Once you’ve established the overall training goals, divide the training content into manageable sections or modules. Each module should address a specific aspect of the overall training objective, ensuring participants can absorb information in a more structured manner. 
  2. Use action verbs: Use clear and concise action verbs when communicating training objectives like “analyze,” “demonstrate,” “create,” “evaluate,” and “apply.” Make your objectives clear, specific, and observable, and avoid vague or abstract language. 
  3. Align with assessment methods: Connect learning objectives with the assessment methods that you will use to evaluate employees’ compliance readiness. Make sure that the assessment directly reflects the training objectives. 
  4. Seek feedback from stakeholders: Gather input from relevant stakeholders (i.e., subject matter experts, participants, trainers) so you can assess whether the objectives are comprehensive and aligned with the diverse perspectives within the organization. 
  5. Regularly review and ravine: As the training program progresses, or if there are any changes in organizational needs, review and refine the training goals. This ensures the training program remains relevant and aligned with the organization’s overall objective. 

Step 3: Develop Engaging and Relevant Training Content

Once you’ve defined the training objectives, we can start developing the training content that aligns with these objectives.

To be effective and engaging, your training content should cater to these three main factors:

  1. The training objectives: Every piece of training content should directly contribute to the established training objectives.
  2. Your target audience: Tailor the content to match the knowledge level, learning styles, and preferences of your participants. Content should be relatable and applicable to their daily tasks to ensure engagement. 
  3. Regulatory requirements: Ensure that your training content not only imparts knowledge but also aligns with the relevant regulatory frameworks. 

Don’t let your content wander aimlessly, but ensure your training objectives are properly aligned with the relevant regulations and your target audience’s preferences. To do so, you can follow these actionable tips: 

  • Create a logical flow: Structure the content in a logical, structured sequence to ensure a smooth and progressive learning experience. Each training module should build upon the previous one, gradually advancing training participants towards the objective.
  • Leverage interactivity: Include interactive elements such as quizzes, discussions, or simulations to foster participant engagement. Interactive content can also provide opportunities for knowledge application. 
  • Use varied instructional methods: Use a mix of instructional methods to cater to different preferences and learning styles. Incorporate interactive elements, visual content, real-world case studies, and so on to enhance engagement, comprehension, and retention. 
  • Leverage multimedia elements: Incorporate videos, graphics, and animations to enhance the training program’s visual appeal to break the monotony and facilitate a better understanding of complex regulations. 
  • Balance complexity and simplicity: Break down complex concepts into digestible, bite-sized segments, and use plain language to ensure clarity. This allows you to find a balance between avoiding information overload and providing comprehensive information.
  • Include checkpoints and assessments: Integrate checkpoints and assessments like quizzes, case studies, or practical exercises to gauge participants’ understanding. Regular assessments provide opportunities for feedback and reinforce learning. 
  • Update Content Regularly: Keep the training content dynamic by updating it regularly. This is especially important in industries where regulations evolve.

Step 4: Choosing The Right Training Delivery Method

As discussed, compliance training doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits-all endeavor. A strategic consideration for the delivery method is critical to unlocking the program’s full potential. 

So, let’s delve into the available options and the pros and cons of each delivery method:

  1. Face-to-Face: In-person Training

Face-to-face, instructor-led training has long been a staple in the training landscape. It fosters direct interaction between trainers and employees, allowing for interactive activities, lively discussions, and immediate feedback from the instructor.


  • Personal interaction and building community: Face-to-face interaction fosters engagement, teamwork, and a sense of community among participants by facilitating real-time interaction. 
  • Real-time clarification and feedback: This method enables immediate clarification of doubts, where instructors can address concerns and questions in real time.
  • Hands-on activities: You can easily integrate hands-on activities and practical exercises to foster the application of learned knowledge.


  • Logistical challenges: Requires physical venues, so venue costs, scheduling, and travel logistics can be an issue. Can be resource-intensive.
  • Limited reach: Limited geographical reach and can potentially exclude remote employees. 
  • Time constraints: Requires specific time commitment and may be inflexible, not ideal for busy schedules.

Recommendations: In-person training is ideal for hands-on training or specialized training where real-time interaction and immediate feedback are critical. More suited for smaller groups of participants where logistical challenges are more manageable. 

  1. Online Training (e-Learning)

Online training facilitated through digital platforms (website, mobile app, dedicated software, etc.) offers scalability and flexibility. 


  • Accessibility and convenience: Participants can learn at their own convenience and pace and on their preferred devices. 
  • Global accessibility: Overcomes geographical barriers (i.e., for remote employees.) Participants can access the content from anywhere, as long as there’s Internet connection. 
  • Scalability and cost-effectiveness: Can cater to large audiences without logistics and geographical limitations, reducing overall training costs. 
  • Interactive modules and multimedia: You can easily integrate engaging and interactive elements like quizzes, videos, and simulations to keep participants immersed and motivated.


  • Limited interactivity: Lack of direct interaction may lead to a sense of isolation, impacting the immediacy of feedback and reducing engagement.
  • Technical challenges: Digital literacy and access to technology can be barriers to some participants. Internet connectivity and technical issues may hinder the learning experience.
  • Self-discipline and motivation: Learning independently requires strong self-management skills and motivation to stay on track.

Recommendations: Ideal for geographically dispersed participants (i.e., remote team, frontline workers.) Better suited for topics that can be effectively delivered through self-paced learning.

  1. Blended Learning

The best of both worlds, blended learning combines aspects of both in-person and online training that maximize the benefits of both delivery methods.


  • Best of both worlds: Combines the flexibility and scalability of online learning with interactivity and engagement of in-person training.
  • Caters to diverse learning styles: Can include a variety of learning formats that cater to different learning styles and preferences.
  • Cost-effective: Combines the cost-effectiveness of online training by reducing in-person session time while maintaining direct interaction and personalized coaching where needed.


  • Increased complexity: Designing and implementing blended learning requires careful planning and integration to ensure seamless integration of both methods. 
  • Technological requirements: Access to the internet and reliable technology is crucial for online components, which can be an issue.
  • Resource-intensive: Allocating resources to develop and maintain both in-person and online components can be challenging. Scheduling can also be an issue.
  • Potential for overlapping: Without careful planning, content may lack cohesion and may overlap.

Recommendations: Suited for topics that can benefit from a mix of both theoretical and practical learning. Ideal for those seeking an adaptable and flexible learning approach.

Choosing the Perfect Method: Matching Needs and Resources

Now that we’ve learned the three main delivery methods, how should you choose the right one from these diverse options? Here are the main considerations you should have:

  1. Target audience: Consider your participants’ preferences, learning styles, and access to technology:
  2. Learning objectives: Review your training objectives. Choose a method that best allows you to achieve these goals and objectives.
  3. Resources: Evaluate your budget, instructor expertise, and available technology.
  4. Content suitability: Choose a method that is ideal for delivering your available training content. You may need to adapt your content to fit the chosen delivery method more effectively.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, combine, and refine your approach to create a training program that resonates with your teams while fitting the nature of your content and available resources.

Launching and Evaluating Your Compliance Training Program

Congratulations! You’ve built a solid compliance training program by meticulously crafting your training content and choosing the perfect delivery method. 

In this section, we will discuss the actual implementation of the training program and how to establish robust evaluation mechanisms to ensure iterative improvements.

Let’s explore the essential logistical, implementation, and evaluation strategies to ensure an effective execution of your program.

Logistics and Scheduling 

  1. Plan with Precision: Develop a detailed plan with clearly defined timelines, milestones, and resource requirements. Schedule the sessions/modules strategically to maximize participation and minimize disruptions. 
  2. Resource allocation: Secure necessary technology, facilities, and training materials well in advance. Don’t forget to factor in the availability of trainers and potential technical support requirements. 
  3. Ensure engagement: Leverage technology for scheduling and communication. Send pre-training notifications that communicate the program’s value, format, and objectives to keep participants informed and engaged. Use visuals and a touch of humor as needed.

Delivery and Facilitation

  1. Prepare your trainers: Ensure trainer excellence by equipping them with the tools needed for clear communications. Equip them with interactive techniques and the ability to address different preferences and learning styles. Encourage them to use real-world examples and a touch of humor to improve engagement. 
  2. Leverage technology: Treat technology as your co-pilot to make your training program more dynamic. Use real-world simulations, interactive modules, and gamification to cater to visual and kinesthetic learners and enhance the learning experience. However, remember that technology should only support—and not replace—instructor interaction:
  3. Positive learning environment: Establish a welcoming, inclusive, and positive learning environment. Encourage dialogues, questions, and active participation. Celebrate both individual and team milestones to keep participants motivated.
  4. Address technical hurdles: Anticipate and troubleshoot technical hurdles as early as possible. Make sure participants are comfortable with the technology/compliance training platform used to minimize disruptions during the modules. 

Evaluation and Feedback

  1. Diverse evaluation methods: Regularly measure your training program’s effectiveness with diverse evaluation methods to allow for a comprehensive and objective assessment. Incorporate pre- and post- training assessments, regular knowledge checks, and simulations to gauge learning absorption and retention.
  2. Feedback collection strategies: Gather feedback from both participants and instructors by using a mix of qualitative and quantitative techniques (surveys, observation, focus groups, and other methods) to capture diverse perspectives.
  3. Feedback analysis: Established a structured and comprehensive process for collecting and analyzing feedback. Identify areas of improvement, patterns/trends, and successful elements to inform and improve your future training programs.

Example questions for pre-training assessment: 

  • What are your expectations for this training program?
  • What compliance-related challenges do you currently face?
  • What is your preferred learning style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)?

Example questions for post-training assessment: 

  • How applicable do you find the training to your daily tasks? (Open-ended response)
  • What aspects of the training did you find most beneficial? (Multiple choice)
  • Suggestions for improvement? (Open-ended response)
  • Rate the instructor’s clarity and effectiveness on a scale of 1-10.
  • Did the instructor encourage participation and create an interactive environment? (Yes/No)
  • Share one positive aspect of the instructor’s facilitation.

Customizable Compliance Training Program Template

You can use this customizable template to structure your compliance training program. Navigate through the different sections and replace the bracketed text with your specific details to craft your unique and effective program.

1. Program Overview:

(Brief description of the compliance training program, its objectives, and its significance within the organization.)

2. Needs Assessment:

  • Target Audience: (Define the specific departments, roles, or employee groups your program targets.)
  • Regulatory Landscape: (Identify the relevant regulations, policies, and procedures your training must address.)
  • Risk Assessment: (Analyze past compliance issues, employee performance reviews, and internal audits to identify key risk areas.)
  • Learning Needs: (Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to understand employees’ preferred learning styles and existing knowledge gaps.)

3. Learning Objectives:

  • SMART Goals:(Formulate Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives for each training module.)
  • Knowledge Gain: (Outline the key knowledge and skills each module aims to impart.)
  • Behavioral Change: (Define the desired change in behavior or application of knowledge in everyday work.)

4. Content Outline:

  • Module Breakdown: (Divide your content into logical modules, each focused on a specific objective.)
    • Example sections::
      • Introduction to Compliance (Overview of regulations and ethical considerations).
      • Industry-Specific Regulations (Detailed exploration based on industry needs).
      • Government Compliance (Understanding legal parameters and obligations).
      • Ethical Considerations (Incorporating moral and ethical standards).
      • Interactive Case Studies and Practical Exercises.
  • Content Format: (Determine the most engaging formats for each module (e.g., multimedia presentations, interactive exercises, case studies.))
  • Sequencing: (Organize the modules in a logical sequence that builds upon acquired knowledge.)

5. Delivery Methods:

  • Choose Your Weapon: (Decide on the ideal delivery method for each module)
    • Options:
      • In-person training (Ideal for hands-on or specialized sessions).
      • Online Modules (Suited for self-paced learning and global accessibility).
      • Blended Learning (Combining in-person and online components for flexibility).
  • Resource Allocation: (Plan the resources needed for each delivery method (e.g., instructors, technology, training materials.))
  • Accessibility and Flexibility: (Consider options for accommodating diverse learning styles and schedules.)

7. Evaluation:

  • Pre-Training Assessment:(Gauge baseline knowledge and identify learning gaps with quizzes or surveys.
    • Sample Pre-Training Questions:
      • General:
        • How confident are you in your understanding of [relevant regulation/policy]? (Scale of 1-5)
        • Have you previously received any training on [topic of training]? If yes, briefly describe it.
        • What are your expectations for this training program?
        • What are your biggest challenges or concerns regarding [topic of training] in your daily work?
        • Which learning style best describes you? (Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or a combination)
      • Knowledge-Based:
        • True or False: [Statement related to a key concept in the training]
        • Multiple Choice: [Question testing understanding of a specific regulation]
        • Short Answer: Briefly explain the purpose of [key element of the program].
        • Scenario-Based: How would you handle this situation related to [topic of training]?
  • In-Module Activities: (Integrate interactive exercises and knowledge checks to assess understanding throughout the program.)
  • Post-Training Evaluation: (Utilize assessments, case studies, or simulations to measure knowledge gain and effectiveness.)
  • Feedback Mechanisms: (Gather feedback from participants and instructors through surveys, focus groups, or open forums.)

Tips for using this template:

  • This template is a starting point – feel free to add, remove, or modify sections to fit your specific needs.
  • Consider launching a pilot to test the program with a small group before committing to a  full implementation. Use the pilot to refine content and delivery methods.
  • Embrace feedback.  Continuous evaluation and feedback are essential for ongoing program improvement.
  • Stay updated. Keep your program relevant by periodically reviewing regulations and adapting content to reflect changes.


We’ve reached the end of this ultimate guide to developing an effective compliance training program, but the journey doesn’t stop here. 

Remember that compliance training isn’t a one-time endeavor and certainly shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all initiative. You should embrace the changing tides of regulations and standards, then update your training content like a well-maintained vehicle. 

We have also shared a customizable template you can use as a foundation for crafting your compliance training plan with ease. 

So, are you ready to embark on your compliance training adventure? iTacit can be your partner. As an advanced learning management system, with iTacit you can get the following benefits: 

  • Effortless content creation: Drag-and-drop tools and pre-built templates make crafting engaging modules a breeze, even for the landlubbers among us.
  • Seamless delivery: Navigate various learning journeys – in-person sessions, online modules, blended learning – with iTacit’s adaptable frontline LMS platform.
  • Empowered engagement: Interactive exercises, simulations, and even gamified elements keep your crew captivated and motivated throughout the voyage.
  • Data-driven insights: iTacit’s detailed analytics reveal your crew’s progress and areas for improvement, guiding you to continuously refine your training program.
  • Scalable and secure: From small teams to vast crews, iTacit scales effortlessly to fit your organization’s needs, all while keeping your data safe and secure.

Visit iTacit.com and take advantage of their free trial. Explore the employee experience platform, test its features, and see how it can empower your workforce to be compliance-ready. 


Teri Maltais
Teri Maltais

Specializing in digital marketing programs for industrial and commercial technology solutions.

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