A Snapshot of 2022’s Digital Workforce Transformation Trend

Jan 26, 2022

In my role, I am privileged to have daily conversations with leaders from many types of organizations – including some of you reading this. It’s impressive (blows my mind sometimes!) to hear the progress being made in digital workforce transformation and improvements to the employee experience.

Digitization continues, with true digital workforce transformation on the horizon

Everyone is digitizing different parts of their organization or planning to start doing so. It’s not just about digitizing workflows, using eSignatures, or moving away from paper for compliance tasks, though.

Leaders are thinking big picture about the processes in their organization and how to convert those traditional processes into a more efficient way of working. For instance:

 ‘If something goes wrong, what training can we deliver to that employee, what needs to happen next and who needs what information.’ Then, ‘How can we do this in real-time without manual intervention.’

The seeming catch-22 of this scenario is a growing tech stack and risk for technology burnout – but there is good news here, too. Scalable, industry-leading and process-agnostic solutions like iTacit (you knew I’d have to plug us in somewhere) are better than legacy solutions at playing with others. Improved integrations, security, and scalability are definitely buzz words you will hear in 2022.

Beyond the buzzwords like digital transformation, I have witnessed a heartening move towards employee happiness and well-being. It isn’t just culture-building and internal branding, either. Leaders understand that when a work process is seamless and teams are better informed, employee experience is improved.

2022 is going to be an exciting year

My prediction is this:

  • More investment to retain employees and keep workforces flexible.
  • Digitization introduced in a way that benefits employees
  • Front-line worker data will be a focus for enterprise organizations
  • Digital workflows and paperless data collection will be key
  • Priorities for technology are integrations, security, and scalability

I hope you are as excited as I am to see what is in store for workforce tech, employee experience, and front-line teams in 2022!

Have a great new year, and I look forward to working and learning with you next year.

*Originally posted on LinkedIn

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