8 Digital Form Templates to Digitize Your HR Processes

Dec 1, 2020

Human Resource professionals have so many processes to consider. With HR-related tasks being the glue that holds everything throughout the hiring, onboarding to retirement stages, it’s always worth taking the time to consider how your HR team’s processes can be improved.


Digitizing HR is one of the best ways to future-proof your company’s resources, engage your employees and close the gap between remote teams and in-office workers. Read on to learn more about the best digital human resources forms and templates that can help streamline your processes.

Digital HR templates to get you started

With many HR tasks beginning or ending with forms and HR checklists, here are templates of digitized forms that HR teams frequently use.

1. Employee Information Form

Gathering employee information is a key step in the introductory phases of the employee lifecycle. And, with this information being pertinent for contact and security reasons, it’s important to keep these documents up-to-date.

Digitizing employee information forms for HR means that it’s simple to pull up the submitted form instantly. Thanks to app solutions enabling search and filtering tools, forms like these can be categorized for everyone’s benefit, too.



Storing employee information paperwork on an app speeds up several processes for HR teams, but mainly it offers a way for both the employee and the HR rep to go onto the app and adjust/update the form as necessary.

With a digitized employee information form, it’s a breeze to pull up all the important information about a new hire. This includes contact information, their role, job description, pay rate, and hire date. Having this form online also means it’s easy to make changes like if an employee moves or receives a promotion.

2. Exit Interview Form

Exit interviews offer a way for employers to learn why the employee is leaving and how satisfied they were during their time at said organization. Feedback like this factors into continuous improvement efforts, HR projects and more, so it’s important to digitize it into a mobile, signed form.



With HR departments handling over 70% of exit interviews, it’s helpful to have a form that can be filled and signed all on a mobile device. This HR template covers all of the necessary steps, pulling in valuable feedback while including an e-signature at the end.

This type of digital data collection can be used to make improvements to processes across the organization. With information on web forms, it’s easier to spot trends and make changes in real time.

3. Onboarding & New Hire Checklists

With so many policies, orientation specifics and job expectations to cover, your HR department will thank you for digitizing this important step of the onboarding process for them.

Instead of running the go-between act of handing over sheets of paperwork, having an HR form like our digital form template seen here is an excellent way to speed up this process for your HR team and the new hire, too.



Including an e-signature at the end to verify that the employee is signing off on understanding key policies is a perk of using forms on an employee app. This handy HR checklist can streamline the onboarding process and start the working relationship off on the right foot.

At the same time, using digital form templates for onboarding and new hires can also ensure compliance with employment laws and more. Your HR team can make sure they’re collecting the information needed to properly document and manage employees.

4. Workplace Health & Safety Forms

Having a proper, detailed health and safety process in place is a must for workplaces. The HR department is typically the team that is responsible for communicating these steps to employees.

Digitizing these reporting, review and action steps of the workplace health and safety process will make your HR teams more efficient and your employees safer.

You can also keep your employee handbook digitized. This keeps all the important files concerning workplace safety and an HR compliance checklist in one place.



5. Vacation & Time Off Applications

Especially during this time of year, employees will be looking to draw on their banked vacation time. The HR department fields emails like these on a regular basis, so leaning on this template to build a vacation application tool for your company’s employee app is an excellent step in your HR’s digitization plan.

Digitizing PTO applications can also streamline time. Rather than tracking down a manager, employees can fill out a request form online for vacation. This encourages your team to put in their time as early as possible so you can be more efficient about making schedules and optimizing your employees’ time.


6. Performance Review Template

While not everyone likes criticism or constructive feedback, performance reviews are a crucial part of the improvement and feedback wheels for companies. (And bonus: Experts say that they’re even more important now that many teams are working remotely!)

While this HR template will give you a great, digitized form for the performance review process, remember to look into what HR authorities like SHRM are saying about how to improve this task and make it more effective.

Perfecting your employee evaluation forms can make performance review less stressful and more productive. Digital form templates are just one piece of the puzzle to streamline this process.



7. Direct Deposit Application Form

Everyone loves getting paid, so here’s a template to ensure that your HR team has the financial information they need to keep paychecks coming regularly and on time.

Employees who are changing banks can go onto their company’s employee forms app to update this form themselves, too, with the updated submission automatically flowing to the HR team’s (digital) desk.





8. Work Write-up Form Template

Submitting a write-up isn’t an ideal situation to be in, but for many managers and direct reports it’s one of the best ways to formally handle incidents.

Instead of leaving a trail of emails and CCs, store an employee write-up form on your company’s intranet app to cut out the middle step(s). HR will receive the form as needed, and the person performing the write-up can do it even when they’re not at their desk.

There’s less chance of the write-up becoming lost in the shuffle or paperwork or being tampered with. Having online records help keep things organized and doesn’t leave much room for misinterpretation or mistakes.




How are HR form templates digitized?

Digitizing human resources forms and templates can sound overwhelming at first, but it’s easy with the right solution at your fingertips. At iTacit, we know creating digital form templates is about collecting the information you need and having the ability to access and organize it at your fingertips.

With a simple form builder, iTacit digitizes front-line data collection and content, creating a single access point for the front-line. Learn more about how targeted HR templates empower you to nail down to the specific requirements of each function and access data based on specific roles.

Digital HR is the way forward

Jay Polaki, founder and CEO of HR Geckos wrote this excellent quote for Forbes:

“The consumer-grade employee experience (EX) is revolutionizing workplaces. With the inward focus on employees and the big shift to remote work due to the pandemic, digital transformations in HR are a necessity.”

This hits the nail on the head for many leaders’ thinking this past year. With digital transformation roadmaps being sped up in the face of this unpredicted transition, HR processes have been at the top of the pack for processes that benefit most from being digitized.

As human resources departments hold the team together, empowering them with digital tools like an employee app that has automated forms and checklists can only make things even better.


What templates would you like to see? Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to let us know.

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